Degradation of Permafrost and Instability of Alpine Infrastructure

High-alpine regions are particularly affected by rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns, which bring new and previously unforeseen challenges. One of these challenges concerns the highest, permanently frozen peaks of the Alps, where the continuous degradation of permafrost contributes to reduced slope stability and causes significant damage to alpine infrastructure that was considered safe in recent decades.


The aim of the FROST.INI project (Interreg VI-A Italy-Austria) is to (i) better understand the effects of ongoing permafrost degradation in the Austrian-Italian Alps, (ii) identify associated alpine natural hazards, and (iii) develop solution-oriented strategies and guidelines for the growing challenges faced by operators of high-altitude infrastructure. To achieve this, the project integrates in-situ measurements and remote sensing data from selected pilot sites, complemented by the development of digital twins.


FROST.INI brings together the experience and expertise of project partners from science, industry, and public administration, creating an ideal environment for developing practical concepts and solutions. Cross-border cooperation activities and transnational use of the results contribute to improved climate change adaptation in the Austrian-Italian Alps.



Contribution GEORESEARCH: Project Partner

Project Partners: OGS (Lead - National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, Bozen), Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Eurac, Province of Salzburg

Project Duration: 03/2025 - 02/2027

Funding: Interreg VI-A Italia-Austria 2021-2027


Project Partner

Interreg Italia - Österreich


National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics

Autonomous province of Bolzano

Autonome Provinz Bozen-Süditalien

11.6 Amt für Geologie und Baustoffprüfung


Eurac Research

Land Salzburg

Land Salzburg

Abteilung 6 - Infrastructure and Transport