Tren a las Nubes


Climate change probably represents the most transcending challenge facing our world today. Global temperature rise is altering the face of the Earth at rates without precedent in human history. The consequences of climate change are particularly evident in high-alpine regions around the globe which are the main focus of our research interest.

Open-Air-Lab Kitzsteinhorn


The immediate proximity of nature conservation, energy production, and tourism makes the Kitzsteinhorn one of the most diverse mountains in the Alps and an ideal research location. Since 2010, we have been investigating the effects of climate change on high-alpine surface and subsurface processes in the four core areas of climate, glaciers, permafrost, and rock stability. We conduct these investigations at the Open-Air Lab Kitzsteinhorn, in close collaboration with our partners.


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Education & Training


Knowledge transfer is one of our most important responsibilities. Through regular courses and training, we provide participants with overviews of the current state-of-the-art technology for surveying and analyzing the Earth’s surface. Herein we focus on the communication of practical skills and hands-on expertise. Our courses empower attendees to conduct independent data collection and analysis, allowing them to generate new insights and knowledge. Currently, our training programs cover UAV photogrammetry and satellite-based InSAR techniques.


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InSAR-Competence Center


Ground movements are more frequent than expected. Modern satellites directly measure them extensively and precisely in the millimeter range. This information is valuable for infrastructure planning, building monitoring, and detecting natural hazards. Together with our partner TRE ALTAMIRA, a world leader in satellite-based ground movement monitoring, we have established the InSAR Competence Center to develop innovative InSAR applications. Our focus is on alpine regions with challenging conditions such as steep rock walls and varying snow and vegetation.

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Methods & Technologies


The quantitative assessment of interactions between complex systems requires a broad range of methods. For the monitoring of surface, subsurface, and atmospheric processes, we therefore rely on a variety of complementary technologies that reflect our extensive geoscientific expertise. Our range of applications extends from small-scale geotechnical in-situ measurements to geophysical subsurface investigations and large-scale satellite-based deformation analyses.


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