Technical University Munich, Landslide Research Group
TU Graz
Institute of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Computational Geotechnics
Institute of Engineering Geodesy and Measurement Systems
University of Salzburg, Department of Geography and Geology
ETH Zurich, Department of Earth Sciences
IGF - Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research
ZHAW - Zurich University of Applied Sciences
alpS - Centre for Climate Change Adaptation
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute for Alpine Natural Hazards
University of Bonn, Institute for Geography
IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
WIFO - Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Z_GIS - Department of Geoinformatics, University of Salzburg
PYRN - Permafrost Young Researcher's Network
AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology
Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK CEN)
Association for Speleology Salzburg
geosono - Anton Lettenbichler e.U.
International Security Competence Center GmbH (ISCC)
PLANUM Fallast Tischler & Partner GmbH
STL Solutions for Transport and Logistics GmbH
Wisutec Umwelttechnik GmbH
ZAMG - Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics
Geological Service Salzburg
Hydrographic Service Salzburg
Carinthian Provincial Government
Autonomous Province Bolzano South Tyrol, Department for Geology and Material Testing
Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety
BFW - Austrian Research Centre for Forests
GBA - Geological Survey of Austria
National Park Hohe Tauern
WLV- Torrent and Avalanche Control
ARGE ALP - Association of the Alpine States